About us

Why we do what we do...

The Need

There are over 3,000 homeless men, women, and children in the San Antonio and Hill country area on any given day. Out of those, 1,200 go unsheltered at night and 31% are people in families.

Most homeless individuals note that loss of employment and broken relationships are the leading causes of their lack of housing and food.

This results in a destitute life of loneliness, abandonment, and hopelessness.

Our Response

Taking it to the Streets believes that when Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, “Whatever you do for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me”, He wasn’t joking around.

We believe that we love Jesus best when we are loving the “least of these” {the broken, the hurting, the impoverished, the hungry, the homeless}.

We not only exist to satisfy immediate needs, we also exist to help reconcile relationships. We believe that all of us are broken and need a Savior. We believe that God created us all to live in community with others.

We choose to love our homeless brothers and sisters unconditionally and encourage positive life-change in a compassionate way. We offer more than just a warm meal. We offer friendship, community, and most importantly, Christ.

We believe through these loving relationships, we help restore dignity and purpose and, in turn, transform lives.